revêtement extérieur pierre dallage margelle piscine Rouviere Collection

Microcement based decorative plaster for swimmingpool revestment, terrasses, furniture, etc .
62 colours available.


Cement pavements with old stone aspect, non frozen and very resistant.
Several models and dimensions to discover

Swimminpool surrounds

Cement copings with old stone aspect, non frozen and very resistant.
Several models, aspects, colours and dimensions to discover

Others products


Microcement based decorative plaster for swimmingpool revestment, terrasses, furniture, etc .
62 colours available


Contemporary cement pavements, non frozen and very resistant. Big dimensions.
Several models and colours to discover

Swimminpool surrounds

Contemporary cement copings, non frozen and very resistant.
Several models, aspects, colours and dimensions to discover

Others products


Microcement based decorative plaster for floors, walls, showers, kitchens, stairs...
62 colours available


Cement pavements with old stone aspect, very resistant and easy to maintain.
Several models and dimensions to discover

Big choice of glassblocks with more than
50 colours, several finishings for glass : metallized, satin effect, …
Special pieces for wall finitions and 90° corner pieces. Several dimensions and thicknesses.

Creation and manufacture of customized cement furniture.


Big choice of glassblocks with more than 50 colours, several finishings for glass : metallized, satin effect, …
Special pieces for wall finitions and 90° corner pieces. Several dimensions and thicknesses.

Creation and manufacture of customized cement furniture.

Microcement based decorative plaster for floors, walls, showers, kitchens, stairs...
62 colours available


Contemporary cement pavements with big dimensions, very resistant and easy to maintain.
Several models and dimensions to discover

Indoor and Outdoor cement products collections

Classical Ambiences with Sermipierre, cement pavement with natural stone aspect

A modern technic for an authentic look.
Sermipierre finishing, including ranges Authentique, Vieille Demeure and Savoir-faire for pavements or revestents, swimmingpool surrounds, stairs and various constructive elements.

Contemporary ambiences : Sermibéton ranges

or micro-cement revestment

Refinement and minimalism : indoor and outdoor pavements, swimmingpool surrounds, constructive elements are are manufactured in various models. Microcement based plaster with 62 colours.

Customized cement furniture

On demand manufactured furniture : Alliance of cement or microcement with various materials: glass, metal, wood, …

Architecture projects

Rouviere Collection’s cement and glassblocks know-how is dedicated to the creation and conception of innovating architectural projects.

Our Mission

  • Créativité

    En évolution technologique permanente, le béton nous permet de laisser libre court à notre créativité, de proposer des solutions pour satisfaire vos projets, de travailler des effets matière à l’infini…

  • Innovation

    Nous nous attachons à créer des produits innovants se différenciant de tout ce que l’on peut communément trouver sur le marché des dallages, margelles et autres matériaux de décoration. Au-delà de nos différentes gammes de produits nous souhaitons par-dessus tout vous offrir notre savoir-faire et nos possibilités de créations : éléments architecturaux, mobiliers, produits personnalisés, etc.

  • Garantie

    En tant qu’entreprise générale du bâtiment, nous sommes les premiers utilisateurs de nos fabrications. Nous sommes donc soucieux de leur mise en œuvre, leur qualité et durabilité.

  • Éco-responsabilité

    Toutes nos fabrications sont réalisées artisanalement en France dans notre unité de production gardoise, et issues de matières premières essentiellement locales. Nous sommes profondément motivés par l’éco-responsabilité et la valorisation du savoir-faire de nos collaborateurs.

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  • 04 66 37 01 93
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